Tuesday, March 18, 2008

John Hancock Slept Here

John Hancock, Library of Congress image.

As told in this JP Historical Society article, John Hancock lived, for a time, on Centre street in Jamaica Plain. The house referred to in the article sat approximately where Aldworth street now meets Centre street, a short way from the Soldier's Monument. The advertisement below, however, suggests that a Mrs Noble possessed the house between the Hancock family and Nathaniel Curtis, a later owner. Mr Gray's Meeting-House refers to the church at the corner of Centre and Eliot streets - at that time the only church in Jamaica Plain. Many of the real estate advertisements of the time used the same reference to locate Jamaica Plain properties for potential buyers.

Boston Daily Advertiser July 13, 1822

Elegant Country Seat.

To be sold, the House, Out Buildings and Land, containing six acres, formerly occupied by the late Mrs Noble, situate(sic) on Jamaica Plains, near the Rev. Mr. Gray's Meeting-House. The house was built in the most thorough manner, by John Hancock, Esq. and possesses every convenience. The stable is also large and commodious. The buildings are all in excellent order; - and there are a great variety of most excellent fruit trees on the premises. It is presented that no situation in the vicinity of Boston can be more desirable for a gentleman's country residence. Inquire at this office.

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