No picture came with this article, but luckily the building still stands on Centre street around the corner from Boylston st. The German Baptists are long gone to the suburbs, but the brick building sits raised above street level overlooking the intersection of Centre and Boylston streets and South Huntington avenue.
Boston Daily Globe September 5, 1904
New Church Dedicated.
Day of Happiness for Members of the First German Baptist Society of Jamaica Plain.
Yesterday was a day of joy and thanksgiving for the members of the First German Baptist church of Boston, when, with services morning, afternoon and evening, the new edifice on Centre st, Jamaica Plain, was dedicated.
The interior of the church was beautified with plants and flowers, and large congregations were present at the three services, in which music by an augmented choir, under the direction of orgainist E. Blum, was a feature.
The morning service was conducted in the German language by the pastor of the society, Rev Samuel Blum, Rev G.A. Schulte of Hoboken, N.J. delivered the dedicatory sermon, and prayer was offered by Rev Dr J.S. Gubelman of Rochester N.Y.
At the session of the Sunday school at noon there were addresses by well-known ministers of the denomination and officers of the church and school.
At 4 o'clock a service in English was held, which was participated in by the pastor, Rev Joseph S. Swain of Boston, Rev J.E. Norcross of the First Baptist church, Jamaica Plain, and Rev Dr Gobelman. A cello solo was contributed by Oscar Schulze and a vocal solo by John Blum.
In the evening the service was conducted in both German and English languages. Rev Dr Gubelman preached the sermon, an address was delivered by Rev Dr W.H. Eaton of Boston, general secretary of the Massachusetts state convention of churches, and there was singing by a choir of male voices.
The society was organized in April, 1876, and has a membership of 168. The new church is of the Romanesque style of architecture, constructed of brick, and costs about $17,000.
The committee having in charge the building of the church includes Samuel Blum, C. Bullman, N. Samsel, A.B. Praetsch, A.B. Praetch Jr. R.J. Praetch, C. Ziest and F.W. Tratsch.
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