Monday, April 14, 2008

John C. Gore - Crack Shot

When last we visited with John C. Gore, he was an ardent abolitionist. He was also touchy about wandering Irishmen.

Boston Daily Atlas June 21, 1851

Shooting Case in West Roxbury

Mr. John C. Gore, a respectable and wealthy citizen of West Roxbury, says the Transcript, was brought before Trial Justices Gaston and Allen, on Thursday morning at Jamaica Plain, on complaint of Michael Fenaghty, for shooting said Fenaghty with a gun loaded with powder and shot. It appeared on trial, that the complainant, who was an Irishman, just arrived in this country, was going about the town in pursuit of labor, and that on the 16th he was seen by the defendant and others near defendants premises; and that on the morning of the 17th he came into the field, where defendant was at work, and asked employment without success; after which he started up the street. The defendant thinking him a suspicious looking character, and feeling somewhat irritated, from having had his buildings twice set on fire, soon followed after, taking with him a fowling-piece which he had in the field for the purpose of shooting birds. On emerging from a grove of trees between him and his house, he saw the complainant looking into the parlor window, and, as he thought, attempting to raise it. He immediately called upon the complainant to desist, but he not doing it immediately, defendant raised his gun and fired - five shot entering through the skin into the leg and hand of the complainant. Complainant admitted to going to the door, and not being able t get in proceeded to the window, but denied trying to open it or to get in. Though no serious injury was done complainant, the Court thought the means used to expel the trespasser was quite unjustified, and ordered the defendant to recognize in $300 to a higher Court.

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