Monday, February 18, 2008

Tuberculosis Comes To Town

Jamaica Plain was having enough cases of TB in 1908 that a series of lectures for the public was given at Curtis Hall. The article cites a Jamaica Plain dispensary - apparently a free or low cost facility. I've seen references to it, but I have yet to find any definitive information. Perhaps it was in Curtis Hall itself.

Boston Daily Globe October 4, 1908

Tuberculosis Lectures.

Series to be Given in Curtis Hall, Jamaica Plain, Beginning Next Wednesday.

Under the auspices of the Norfolk district medical society and the Jamaica Plain dispensary a series of free tuberculosis exhibits and lectures will be given at Curtis hall, Jamaica Plain, beginning next Wednesday. The exhibit and lectures are designed for well people to show them how they can avoid consumption.

The program follows,

Wednesday, 8 P.M.

Chairman, Dr Arthur P. Perry, president of the Norfolk district medical society; Dr Thomas F. Harrington, director of hygiene in the public schools of Boston, "Some False Ideas Concerning Tuberculosis"; Walter E. Kreusl, secretary of the Boston association for the releif and control of tuberculosis, "The Line of Progress."

Thursday, 8 P.M.

Chairman, Hon Samuel B. Capen; Dr J. Stephen Scott, member Massachusetts dental association. "Hygiene of the mouth as a protection Against Disease"; Henry Abrahams, secretary cigarmakers' international union, "What the Labor Unions Can Do to Stamp Out Tuberculosis.

Friday, 8 P.M.

Chairman, Hon Michael J. Murray; Dr Bradford Kent, examining physician Massachusetts sanatorium at Rutland, "How the State Has Responded to the Cry of the consumptive."

Saturday, 3:30 P.M.

Chairman, Dr B.N. Bridgeman; Dr H.F.R. Watts, physician to the Free Home for Consumptives, "Consumption the Unnecessary Evil."

Saturday, 8 P.M.

Chairman, Rev Charles F. Dole; Dr E.O. Otis, president of the Boston Association for the Relief and Control of Tuberculosis. Subject, "What Can the Layman Do in the Prevention of Tuberculosis?"

Sunday, 3:30 P.M.

Chairman, Rev Chauncey J. Hawkins; Miss M.A. Gallagher, visiting nurse to the Association for the Relief and Control of Tuberculosis, Subject, "What Our Association Does for Tuberculosis Patients."

Sunday, 8 P.M.

Chairman, Dr E. Peabody Gerry; Dr David Townsend, physician to the Boston Consumptives hospital. Subject, "What the City is Doing for the Consumptive." The lecture will be illustrated with the stereopticon.

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